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IBC Crash Course For 2023’s Rate Volatility > Testing Policy Sizes for IBC's Optimized Whole Life
Lesson 5 of 7

Testing Policy Sizes for IBC's Optimized Whole Life

Finding that perfect Whole Life policy size is one of the biggest challenges for folks starting IBC.

To efficiently become your own banker with Whole Life insurance, it’s important that your policy isn’t so big you can’t stuff it full of premium, but not so small that you shut the door on future contributions.

This video shows how the same premium amount interacts with different size policy and policy riders.

Notable Timestamps:
4:29 – Optimizing our policy further by front-loading premiums
6:09 – Tradeoffs to increasing your capacity to front-load Whole Life
7:40 – The downsides of downsizing and seeing future premium capacity

If you’ve done enough research, and realize this is something you want to pursue for yourself… take a quick moment to book a slot on our team’s calendar before jumping back into the video course!