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Understand the How & Why of the Infinite Banking Concept (IBC) in 12.5 Minutes

One of my mentors told me long ago:

“If you get the concept, the details are irrelevant!
And if you DON’T get the concept the details will always be irrelevant!”

Obviously, we’re not afraid to dig into the details, but you can fully grasp the concept with these 3 videos in 12.5 minutes.

– John “Hutch” Hutchinson ChFC®, CLU®
Founder of

Build Two Assets At Once Using Life Insurance As Your Own Bank

This 2-minute video explains why Building Your Own Bank with life insurance can help you create an additional bucket of wealth simply by harnessing compound interest from dollars that would normally slip right through your hands.

The Simple Science Behind The Banking Concept

How Borrowing Against Life Insurance Beats Paying Cash For Everything​ 

How Big Banks Invest Their Safe and Liquid Reserves

Analyze America’s 2 biggest banks to see how much of their safe and liquid reserves they deploy into life insurance cash value.

Infinite Banking Articles:

The Infinite Banking Concept Explained

The Infinite Banking Concept’s most complete article ever written. Learn what is IBC, who started it, Infinite Banking Concept pros & cons, plus Whole Life policy best practices and design techniques. Use our clickable table of contents to easily navigate through this comprehensive IBC learning resource.

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Whole Life acts like a swiss army knife in retirement

Whole Life Insurance For Retirement

Whole Life insurance is meant to complement not replace your retirement portfolio. Its protected growth & tax-exemption make Whole Life an ideal retirement buffer, not to mention its death benefit can allow you to spend more of your portfolio while you’re alive.

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Next Steps:

Better Understand Whole Life Products for IBC

Learn More About How IBC Borrowing is Different

Whole Life Arbitrage with Synthetic Non-Direct Recognition

Watch the Advanced IBC Crash Course

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