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Rate hikes have moved the goalposts for both traditional banking & life insurance strategies.

That's why I rebooted some of our most popular core content to match the times were in.

Check out some of our rebooted "oldies but goodies" as well as our new IBC Crash Course digging into the value proposition of borrowing against life insurance in a rising rate environment.

John "Hutch" Hutchinson
Founder of BankingTruths


PUA Rider increase your Whole Life cash value's guaranteed cash value growth curve by adding Paid-Up Additions

Paid-Up Additions (PUA) Rider: The Secret to Accelerating Whole Life Insurance

Paid-Up Additions (PUA) are mini chunks of whole life insurance stacked onto an ordinary whole life policy acting like a turbo-charger of sorts. Because paid-up additions are completely paid-up in one shot, a PUA increases your Whole Life’s policy’s guaranteed cash value & death benefit. Paid-Up Additions can be added via a PUA rider or by electing it as the primary dividend option.

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Infinite Banking Concept Explained: How to Become Your Own Banker

Infinite Banking is a cash flow management system using the cash value in a life insurance policy rather than traditional bank accounts. By borrowing against their policies cash value, users of the Infinite Banking keep their liquidity compounding inside a tax sheltered environment and end up at a higher place in line when they pay down the loans.

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No upcoming events right now!

Wanna' Chat with Hutch?

Needless to say, I’m super busy between work & family, but…

I am willing to jump on an hour Zoom to consult for a fee on whatever you like:

  •  Product Design
  •  Selling strategies
  •  Actionable Marketing Ideas

You can use the link below to pay which will then route you to a form leading to my personal calendar.

If you were looking to “pick my brain” at no cost, nothing personal, but I just don’t have the spare time as you can imagine. 

However, you can always check out a list of my upcoming speaking events above, and maybe we can chat during a break. I try and block out most distractions so I can be fully present at these events. 

Perhaps our paths will cross soon.