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Is Whole Life Expensive for IBC?

Critics say Whole Life is expensive even when using term & PUA riders for infinite banking. In this video Hutch dispels the myths by showing a true cost/benefit analysis of IBC.

Hutch also examines this scarcity mindset further by comparing becoming your own banker with IBC to real estate investing and entrepreneurship (both of which take time to be profitable).

Timestamps & Resources:
0:00 – Comparing IBC’s Whole Life to Real Estate Early Sunk Costs
1:01 – Looking at Whole Life’s Early Fees Missing From Cash Value
2:12 – Whole Life’s Appreciation is Guaranteed
3:47 – Quantifying Whole Life’s Tax-Sheltering
5:20 – The Consistent Cash Flow of Whole Life Dividends
6:57 – Whole Life’s Steady Liquid Yield vs. Fickle Interest Rates
8:00 – The Ability To Keep Your Cash Compounding While Using It